Happy New Year Sing Australia. Welcome to the 40th year of our organisation!!
We are naturally very proud of reaching this achievement, and so should you all. It has been the result of a mighty big collective effort, a challenging and exciting journey involving thousands of participants. For those of you who may not be aware, Sing Australia has been developed in two clearly defined stages to date.
Stage 1: 1985 to1998 was primarily about establishing the company (Sing Australia Pty Ltd) and becoming involved with event management such as the Australia Day celebrations for Canberra from 1989 to 2005 and producing many major concert productions and corporate workshops.
Stage 2: 1998 to 2024 was largely about developing a national network of singing groups that reached 140 groups by 2012 following extensive national touring and workshops, producing major network events – up to the present time 19 National Gatherings, 15 State Gatherings, dozens of Regional Gatherings, leading 30 domestic and 42 overseas tours; developing and managing a merchandise program – mainly Sing Australia uniforms and 13 songbooks; individual Sing Australia groups have always been managed extremely well on behalf of head office by fabulous Leaders and Conductors, many of whom have taken on legendary status and been rewarded with Life Membership. These awards will recommence this year. All the groups have undertaken regular performances in the community, amounting to many thousands of performances at every sort of community event and facility you could think of. A highlight in recent times was the production of 70 individual singing programs through the Covid lockdown years on our “Members Only Facebook Page“. Sadly the Covid years did have an impact on the number of Sing Australia groups, but we still have a very significant and vibrant network.
We have now arrived at Stage 3: As an initial projection, this stage will go from 2025 to 2040. It will be about taking Sing Australia more broadly into each community and creating a much greater awareness of the importance of singing. It will be undertaken under new and exciting Management. Lots of amazing things to look forward to. From mid-February to mid-April Sing Australia will have a Regional Gathering every weekend (sometimes two) across Australia for the purpose of introducing the new owner, Charles Miller but to also outline some new and exciting plans. Sing Australia will be reaching out to the community to attract new members, while also connecting with current members. We are continuing to promote overseas tours and there will be a fabulous National Gathering in Melbourne in the back end of the year. The two tours promoted on our website will be going ahead and I am pleased to say there are still places available. You can be sure that these tours in particular will be extra special given our milestone ‘celebratory’ year. We will certainly be singing up a storm around the UK – just for one we have a special opportunity to sing in Wales. Please check out the website and make your reservation as soon as possible. Time will run away now.
So a big year ahead everyone – may it be a happy one for all of you. However, don’t keep it to yourself. There are lots of people who want to sing, and we offer that opportunity without any expectations or judgement. Everyone is welcome!
Happy singing and enjoy. Please make it a project to bring just one new person to your group.
Colin Slater OAM CF, National Director
22 January 2025
P.S. the photo is of Sing Australia Burnside at the first singing session for 2025. The current membership of Burnside, SA is approaching 90!